Universal health care now on the table for the 110th Congress. Of course, this had to be unveiled on the same day that Sen. Johnson (D-SD) suffered a stroke, possibly dashing all hope that it will ever be enacted...
Observations on everything that fascinates me in this mad, mad world.
Universal health care now on the table for the 110th Congress. Of course, this had to be unveiled on the same day that Sen. Johnson (D-SD) suffered a stroke, possibly dashing all hope that it will ever be enacted...
We are doomed. Maybe all Congressmen should take regular exams on subjects that come up before their committees. Where have these guys been the last six years? How can they pretend to run an advanced superpower without policy knowledge that even a casual observer of politics would pick up? Seriously?
This is just one of several indications that Bush is going to, at most, draw highly selectively from the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group - my guess is that he will make gestures toward implementing the most vague and indeterminate prescriptions, and then send Tony Snow to explain that Bush has taken the ISG's counsel to heart.
I decide, in violation of common sense and my normal habit, to spend a minute reading Richard Cohen. Immediately I realize why I never read Richard Cohen: