Saturday, December 10, 2005

Screw Loose at FOX News?

As reported in Dan Froomkin's latest column in the WP:
"Greg Kelly of Fox News is pursuing a story no one else seems to want to touch. On Tuesday, he filed this report: 'Twice last month in speeches to military audiences, the president attacked Democrats and fired back at their accusations that pre-war intelligence was manipulated by his administration. . . .

'The attacks against critics at military settings may have put troops in the awkward position of undermining their own regulations. A Department of Defense directive doesn't allow service members in uniform to attend 'partisan political events.' . . .

'Several members of the military told FOX News that Bush is inviting the troops to take sides in a partisan debate in his speeches.' 'This is a very bad sign,' said retired Marine Gen. Joseph Hoar, who led Central Command in the early 1990s and is an administration critic. 'This is the sort of thing that you find in other countries where the military and political, certain political parties are aligned.' '"
Who is this malcontent, and why does Roger Ailes tolerate his existence?


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