Saturday, April 15, 2006

College Republicans Strike Again

As anyone who follows that august organization knows, the College Republicans have spent the last few years adapting, even perfecting, the methods of our favorite governing party. They've bilked seniors out of millions of dollars, for example. They've seen beyond the talking points and rallied to kill Social Security. And now the Penn State chapter is organizing what looks to be a highly educational, unifying event to inform the public about immigration issues (in my inbox this morning - as far as I can tell, it's real):
Press Release
For immediate release
Tuesday, April 11th, 2006
Contact Amadeo Pablo Olivares ( ) Or call 814-863-0047

True Voices calls for Immediate Rally against Racism and Xenophobia

On March 16, 2006 at approximately 11:00am members of the PSU Latino Caucus stumbled across flyers publicizing a program-"Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day", which was supposed to be put on later that day by the PSU College Republicans.

After confronting the PSU College Republicans, members of the PSU Latino Caucus were successful at postponing the program, until its purpose could be clarified. In conversations between the two organizations, it was made clear that the premise of this game was to "capture" individuals wearing orange t-shirts reading "illegal immigrant". The reward for capturing the "illegal immigrant" was a candy bar. It was then that the PSU Latino Caucus demanded that the College Republicans did not continue on with their event. The PSU College Republicans refused. The event is still scheduled to take place during the week of the 18 th in April-now, with superficial changes.
It's worth noting that this is the same chapter whose president, about three years ago, posted delightful photos of College Republicans in blackface on the group's website - prompting the University to call for an entirely new organization of Republicans. Apparently, the new one is just as tolerant and enlightened as the old, which in retrospect shouldn't surprise anyone. All of which leads me to ask: should we concerned citizens begin wondering why it is that the College Republicans tends to attract this assortment of, um, what's the word: thieves, liars, and bigots? And, why it is that the national Republican leadership doesn't try to discipline their young proteges?

America's next generation of leaders, everyone!


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