Monday, January 02, 2006

CATO: Cog in the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy?

Read this?

The Cato Institute: News Room: "'President Bush's executive order sanctions warrant-less wiretaps by the National Security Agency of communications from the United States to foreign countries by U.S. persons. Reportedly, the executive order is based on classified legal opinions stating that the president's authority derives from his Commander-in-Chief power and the post-911 congressional authorization for the use of military force against Al Qaeda. That pernicious rationale, carried to its logical extreme, renders the PATRIOT Act unnecessary and trumps any dispute over its reauthorization. Indeed, such a policy makes a mockery of the principle of separation of powers.

'Perhaps the government is justified in taking measures that in less troubled times could be seen as infringements of individual liberties. But if so, the Congress, not the president, is charged with establishing the rules that apply in exigent circumstances. The executive branch cannot unilaterally set the rules and enforce the rules, then eliminate court review of possible civil liberties violations.'"

What a lefty flag-burning Osama-loving thing to say. Must have come from some Marxist professor holed up in a blue state liberal arts college, right?

Why, no -- it came from CATO senior fellow in Constitutional studies Robert A. Levy.

The NSA domestic spying scandal is no longer a partisan issue, if it ever was. Hopefully the media will pick up on this.

And by the way, Happy New Year!


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